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Shocking Blue

Shocking Blue

Shocking Blue (The Netherlands)is best known for there worldwide hit Venus. Many think they were a one hit wonder, but they where not. Venus was a real worldwide hit, number one almost everywhere in the world. But do you remember Send me a postcard, Long and lonesome road, Never mary a railroadman, Mighty joe, Shocking you, Blossom lady, Inkpot and Rock in the sea? In 1975 they broke up, Mariska made 14 solosingles and was populair in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. In 1980, 1984 end 1993 Shocking Blue made a comeback, with Mariska in front.They toured over Europe several times, with succes. The last 20 years of her live, she performed with Shocking blue, had her own Jazz quintet and Gypsy Orchastre. she recorded a jazz and gypsy cd. Her last tv appereance was on the 1 of january 2006. I saw her for the last time live ont stage on the 26 of august 2006, during a concert in The Haque. On the 2 of december I was in shock cause of her sudden dead. Peter, Hoorn, Netherlands

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